Thursday, September 25, 2014

Robert Rauschenberg - Urban Hillbilly Light

Kista Light has translated his old piece of Rauschenberg's Monogram for Artsy an American art project, a search engine, which would connect world's art creators in something they call The Art Genome Project. So here is our old bogg about Rauschenbergs Goat - The Modern Museum in Stockholm most famous work of art. See even mail in the Comments list!

Had time also with a visit to the Modern during winter holiday. Blue Line into Kungsan from Kista.
Stockholm in snowy wet afternoon. The Waxholmcompanies boats bobbing outside Grand. Skyline over Katarinamountain; Mosesloope, Stomatolsigne, Haglund's stick and Katarina Church shines in the haze and a little further away Sofia church half embedded in thick mist. 
Magic and fairy tale atmosphere - a day for our youth Rauschenberg.
Seeing movies and listening to the interviews at the museum. A charming and warm storyteller emerges. 
There's the story with the "white masterpiece".
Why ship an artistic masterpiece over the Atlantic. Expensive insurance money, risk of injury, risk of scratches and maybe it can be stolen and not to speak about what the transportation costs.
Thus sent instructions Pontus Hulten at Moderna before the exhibition in the 60s.
Fix the frame and canvas, prepare, establish and paint with the correct white color. I read Robert signs when I come to Sweden.
Rauschenberg as an innovator, a neodadaist, which belongs in the 50's and 60's, with his combines; paintings and sculptures where materials are mixed. Color, of course, newspaper clippings, fragments of advertising Coca Cola bottles, rags, old wooden boxes, stuffed birds, pinupp pictures, radio tubes and actually try the interactive ideas long before the blog and the Internet.
Technique, possibilities and imagination in art.
Rauschenberg Texas-son, with hot dialect accent, as a part of the American modern project. 
New frontiers in the arts here with echoes from the major in art history. Far from the fine salons, he develops the art on his own terms with combines, performances, happenings and interactive experiments for the spectator. Color and material that literally blasts the artistic framework.
Of course we at Kista Light like Monogram - The Goat!
An Urban Hillbilly!
As we like some of the other works of his art, Minutaie, Untitled, Factoum I and II, Coca-Cola plan and Studio Painting.
Very satisfied, we go home at dusk and jetty boats seem to have settled down where they lie and bobbing in front of the Grand Hotel right across the swedish castle, and we jump down into the subway and catch the Blue Line for Kista.
Imagine that you were so culturally when you were young.
It was in, belongs to the time, saying our daughter prosaic.

This piece above could also be read in Kistalight Academy
Translation Thommy Sjöberg

Here is a little lecture from Kistalight about Monogram or the goat! 
The lecture is in swedish and it´s inspired of an audioguide lecture you can hear at The Modern Museum in Stockholm. The original text can you find here, Monogram - Urban lantis Light, writer and © Thommy Sjöberg.

© Thommy Sjöberg

1 comment:

Kistalight said...

LarsThommy said...
Det magnetiska eller magiska med Rauschenbergs konst, förutom de fantasifulla kombinationerna, är färgen.
En poetisk palett kring alla vardagliga ting och föremål.

2:30 PM
Blogger LarsThommy said...
Starka färger med lyster!
Det gillar vi skarpt
på Kistalight.

7:53 AM
Anonymous Cecilia S said...
Cecilia S said...
Kistalight citerad i Akademisk uppsats!

Att öppna en dörr till samtidskonsten

"En deltagare frågar om man vet om det finns någon tanke bakom Monogram.
Jag letar på google och hittar bloggen ”ABC…Kistalight. Robert Rauschenberg – Monogram
– urban lantis light, där det står att han var en neodadaist med sina combines."

4:39 AM
Anonymous Anthony Williams Artsy said...
Hi Thommy,
I was looking through your post that mentions Robert Rauschenberg but, unfortunately, couldn't find any additional resources.
We've been building out Robert Rauschenberg's page at Artsy for the past 2 years, and I think linking to it would be a great solution for a missing resource.
Artsy has material on editorial content, bios, up-to-date exhibitions that is openly available to you and your audience, taking art education to the cloud.
Since you blog about art, I thought you might be interested!
Here’s where I found the post:
Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions for how I can improve the Rauschenberg page!


Anthony Williams

4:46 AM
Kistalight said...
Hi Anthony William!

You can use my blog post about Robert Rauschenberg as a link if you want!
If you want to publish my piece?
Let me know!
Robert Rauschenberg - Monogram - Urban Hillbilly light
is included as an essay in Kistalight Academy an essaybook from Thommy Sjöberg.

Cheers Thommy