Sunday, March 09, 2025

One More Time, Is there a Russian mole in the White House?

Lots of visitors from the USA on Kistalight's blog this last week!

Is it the blog about Trump and Putin that's driving the trend?

Kistalight is doing a small translation of the Swedish version for our American friends.

Enjoy reading!

Full of uproar last week, as usual, around Trump! What is the guy doing, Canada, Gaza, Greenland, Panama and he is offering Ukraine to Putin, spreading lies about who started the war, in his usual way starts to shit on Zelensky (one of the world's most honorable leaders at a total disadvantage) and spreading lies about him too.

Why is he doing this?

Good debate article today in SvD, 23/2 -25, by Erik Åsard, professor of North American studies at Uppsala University, Why is Trump doing what Putin wants? Erik Åsard sees three possibilities, 1) Trump has developed a right-wing nationalist ideology similar to Putin (nationalism, neofascism and right-wing Christianity, probably applies more to J D Vance, neither Trump nor Putin are ideological characters), 2) Craze for strong men, Trump is starstruck by Putin, an autocrat who controls Russia's economy and military with a strong hand without criticism from the media, such a man would Trump like to be. However, doesn't Trump admire himself the most, best president ever!? 3) The Russians, Putin, have compromising material about Trump of a sexual and financial nature. The latter is most likely, according to Erik Åsard, where he reports loans from Russian oligarchs to Trump when he was deeply in debt for his casino in Atlantic City where he was denied loans from American banks due to the fact that the business was so poorly managed, see also below Catherine Belton.

Putin´s Krets Catherine Belton Remix

If you want to read more about Trump's escapades in Putinland, Moscow and financial irregularities with Russian oligarchs, you can look up Catherine Belton's excellent research Putin's Circle on p. 430 ff and read about Trump, from A wonderful weekend with overnight stays at the luxurious Ritz-Carlton for him with a view of Red Square topped with beautiful women. In the background was also the Trump-owned beauty contest Miss Universe and a meeting with the oligarch Agalarov who could fix both business contracts. TRUMP Tower - Moscow Next and beautiful ladies IRL equipped with artistic skills. Trump is said to have been very pleased after his stay. A wonderful weekend with you and your family, he tweeted to Agalarov.

See also the pages on economics and smear campaigns in American politics in Belton's book in the chapter The Network and Donald Trump! See page 408 ff!

There you can also read about Trump and Russian oligarchs' interests (including gambling) around the casino in Atlantic City when Trump was close to bankruptcy and seems to have been saved by Russian money.

Putin´s People Catherine Belton

Putin's Circle Catherine Belton
Kistalight has read Putin's Circle said... Note before the great war in Ukraine!
Kistalight has read Catherine Belton's Putin's Circle, or the English title (original) is perhaps more accurate; Putin's People with the subtitle (Swedish) Power struggle over modern Russia.
Who are Putin's People then?
A collection of unscrupulous gentlemen (just gentlemen - the last sigh of the patriarchate?), networks from the KGB, potentates of the Orthodox Russian Church, the Russian elite among politicians, economists, military, leaders of state institutions, fluffy philosophers with big beards, but also the underworld; gangsters from St. Petersburg (from Putin's youth) and Moscow's criminal world and shaggy types from Chechnya.
Catherine Belton divides her book (research trip) into three parts and advances the thesis that Putin is a creation of an inner circle of leading gentlemen, primarily the KGB, who create him.

Kistalight has fun with the headings: 1) The Art of Creating a President 2) The President is Created - Well Done! 3) The President Becomes a Star, I mean Tsar!

Catherine Belton's book about Putin touches on Masha Gessen's results and conclusions from her work Putin, the Faceless Man. Cf. Kistalight If You Go to St. Petersburg Putin in Repris!

But Catherine's investigation is also from a later stage in Putin's Russia and is based on more interviews and contacts with a number of leading oligarchs and a review of public material. With Catherine Belton who was on site in Moscow and Russia as a foreign correspondent for the New York Financial Times.

In the later parts of the book, the role of the oligarchs and the influence of Russian capital (huge amounts) in England, London, where they invest in real estate, banks, yachts and the entertainment world (football - Chelsea) are emphasized, and something similar is also happening in the USA (New York) where leading Russian oligarchs (gangsters) are tying Donald Trump into their economic networks.
Both the USA and the UK were then exposed to the influence campaigns that contributed to both Brexit and Trump's four first years as president.

Kistalight continues to read Putin's circle said...
Putin's ideological worldview emerges in Catherine Belton's book, already in 2007, from Putin's famous speech in Munich there is the idea of ​​Russia as an empire where Putin, wronged after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989, wants the world to take them seriously as a geopolitical power.

The Russian nation (empire) will rest on the bones of the Russian Orthodox Church, the nation and its history, and secretly the old network around the KGB.

They are inspired by previously marginalized philosophers such as Alexander Dugin, a thinker with long hair and a beard taken from a Russian novel by Dostoevsky. Dugin follows in the footsteps of right-wing nationalists with features of fascism but also formulates a world of thought that is specifically Russian with the book The Foundations of Geopolitics in 1997. A Russian national idea with Euro-Asia as a true Russian empire (quite a bit of fluff there?) that preserves the essence of patriarchy, the true essence of a third Rome.
Where the state also has a role for power, the individual exists for the state, not the other way around, that the state serves the individual!
Movements that supported soft Orthodox values ​​received enormous financial resources and contributions, like a kind of Orthodox Taliban against liberal Western influence to promote Russian, but also websites like Russky Mir, Russian Cossack groups and in Crimea a motley crowd of motorcycle enthusiasts, The Night Wolves, who functioned sometimes as propagandists or as a paramilitary gang, and one must not forget Putin's chef with his troll factories based in St. Petersburg.
Rating Five converted imperial nationalists out of five for a sensible view of history, a healthy and contemporary view of the world.
© Thommy Sjöberg