Google translation what a translation!
Just enjoy!
Old story from Hollywood has become a living story through fine play by Lady Gaga and Brad Cooper. It's the fourth time that the story is being filmed and in the fate of the destiny, one understands quite quickly, that this will end up really bad!
The film is currently hyped, has received fine critic for the direction (Brad Cooper), actors play, Lady Gaga, Brad Cooper and several supported actors, the music, also the dialogue praised (script).
In the great American story, film and literature, there is almost always a tragic dimension! The heroes are sacrificed and goes under.
Here a country rocker on the decline!
The storytelling of the film is straightforward - bang on the beetroot!
We end up directly on stage among rugged guitar riffs, too high tones, tinnitus lurking behind the corner, adrenaline kicks through an enthusiastic audience to handle.
Our hero Jack does not cool down after the show with mineral water or some glass of rose except giving the iron with a bottle.
Was it a Jack Daniel?
In the car with his driver on his way to the next show!
Jack asks his companion and driver to turn to a bar for one (last) glass.
In some rugged unknown neighborhoods!
The bar turns out to be a night out with trannies on the stage!
- It's a modern world!
On stage, the waitress Ally, who shows on the scene of the Trannies, with a very special interpretation (in French) by Edith Piaf's La Vie en Rose. Jack falls in love with Allys, Lady Gaga, Interpretation!
Kistalight understands that there is a Cinderella tale (or more the fairytale of Ugly Duckling) and when he hears that Ally also writes his own songs, he understands that there is talent here.
The meeting will not only be a budding love story but also the amazing discovery, the joy and the insight of to have talent.
Who's better at (than a fallen, almost used rock country star) to recognize talent?
Here somewhere I think the movie is getting its strength!
Lady Gaga and Brad Cooper feel genuine. They have authenticity in their play. Certainly through personal chemistry and lots of good music and their own experiences.
The emotional story, so often told in Hollywood, revives and seems as if it was told for the first time.
The subtitles in the film are also a reason (funny) about the difference between having talent and being a star. Allys dad who, in his own opinion, had a better vocal voice than Frank Sinatra (Paul Anka had told him that) but did not have Frankie's blue eyes that shone the women from top to toe.
Who´s really will be a star?
Ally, Lady Gaga, who has her own personal face, does not seem to be beautiful enough to become an artist but Jack wants to see her real face asking her to remove the eyebrows and see something else.
In a real Hollywood manuscript there is often a road trip, part of the American story, here is the journey to Arizona. The place for Jack's children and youth of course with a motorcycle (biker with blinks for Easy Rider) and in country and western outfit.
Our hero Jack is sober and Ally sits on the prayer pod. In Arizona, Jack wants to show his roots, his father's farm and grave, but he only finds a wind park. He confrontes his half-brother tour leader and fellow musician with a real cowboyfight. He is told that the farm has disappeared in a storm and a downfall and that he has been informed late back but, of course, was too full to take in the truth.
Jack who has grown up worthy of a rock'n roll hero; young mother who dies when he is born and a daddy who is 40 years older than the mother and poor farmer, alcoholic and dies when Jack is 13 years old.
Just no diagnoses are needed to understand Jack's abuse, but his music relieves the pain of life. At Ally, the mother seems to be missing. She lives with her father who is a driver with uniform, has a beautiful vocal voice and surrounds with other similar drivers at home, probably wearing a lot of betting. Certainly loving but hardly a bourgeois and safe environment for Ally.
In Arizona, the movie's action for Jack turns out to be accomplished in his career and he breaks with his brother. He wants to keep his true feel for the music and does not want to use small gadgets to stop in his ears to protect his ear against tinnitus and preserve the internal ear canal.
Drinking and drug abuse increases rather than decreases, one can only imagine how he is in the hangover, possibly he is also filled with envy of Ally who has a true Hollywood contract, but she also fights for her integrity (authenticity) towards producers and for their love.

Kistalight, who rather sees happy ending in a movie (see above, Ally's left-handed hand in his singer / songwriter book and Jack looking for tunes on his guitar in the Pink LA dusk - that´s way the film should end) tells nothing more about the movie's action.
But you honored readers probably realize that it will be a very sad a sad story and ending. The young girl next to us in the cinema shook her whole body of cry in the final movie scenes when we sat there with tears in the eye. The sad story becomes a kind of catharsis (purification) for us movie goers.
A Star is Born is a very well-made movie. There are flashes to the predecessors and other American film classics. The house that our rock hero Jack lives in, has been designed by Kris Kristoffersen's architect, and the tough yet soft dialogue that holds ground is recognized from rows of films. Is it inherited by old scriptwriters like Hemingway, Faulkner, or comics like Chandler and James Ellroy who inspire? The movie's subtitles to the love story also deal with what's real, the joy of having talent, the desire to create and the amazing kick it gives to deliver entertainment with lots of great music while the hydra of Hollywood (which eats its children) fools in the background and that life is crazy. - La Vie en Rose!
Kistalight embeded (hosts) the end of one of the songs from the movie Always Remember Us This Way.
Like something in Elton John's style!
Rating A Star is Born: Five newly written genuine ballads of five!

©Thommy Sjöberg
Rah rah ah-ah-ah!
Ro mah ro-mah-mah
Gaga ooh-la-la!
Want your bad romance
I want your ugly
I want your disease
I want your everything
As long as it's free
I want your love
I want your love
Kistalight förknippar Lady Gaga gärna med Sportradion och lite Bad Romance! När vi tutar fram längs Ostkusten upp och ner på våra färder till och från sportstugan på Norra Öland.
Nu vet vi bättre efter ha sett A Star is Born har vi läst på om vår Lady Gaga och förstått att hon är en riktig superstar med svindlande försäljning av album (30 miljoner), singlar (64 miljoner) streamingar och stora uppträdanden (liveacts) både för presidenter, Elton John och show i halvtidspausen under Super Bowl! Hon är en av de största på Twitter med över 20 miljoner följare!
Klart att vi är ett fan av Lady Gaga och följer på Twitter!
Rah rah ah-ah-ah!
Ro mah ro-mah-mah
Gaga ooh-la-la!
Glömde att Lady Gaga även är en stor låtskrivare (singer/songwriter) och skrivt låtar till mängder av artister Pussycat Dolls, Akon och Britney Spears inklusive sig själv med låtar som Just Dance", Poker Face, Paparazzi, Bad Romance och Alejandro.
Rah rah ah-ah-ah!
Ro mah ro-mah-mah
Gaga ooh-la-la!
Now in english translation - see above!
Now, we know better after seeing A Star is Born, we have read about our Lady Gaga and realized that she is a real superstar, with staggering sales of albums (30 million), singles (64 million) streamings and big performances (liveacts) both for presidents, Elton John and show in the half-time break during Super Bowl! She is one of the biggest on Twitter with over 20 million followers!
Clearly we are real fans of Lady Gaga and follow her on Twitter!
Forgot that Lady Gaga is also a great songwriter (singer / songwriter) and written songs to numerous artists Pussycat Dolls, Akon and Britney Spears including himself with songs like Just Dance, Poker Face, Paparazzi, Bad Romance and Alejandro.
Rah rah ah-ah-ah!
Ro mah ro-mah-mah
Gaga ooh-la-la!
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